Friday, June 23, 2006

What Else Can You Do to Get Healthy!

So now that you are beginning to take a proactive approach to your healthyou must keep on adding to your knowledge of how the body is functioning and working to build on your current positive results. You are going through an educational process and of course many things that you are learning will be a repeat of what you already know and/or may not be using. Other things will be new that you will need to include in your new healthy lifestyle to learning how your body works and how to optimize it performance.

Different types of foods, exercise and mental attitude play a role in your energy, your mental focus and your overall well being and is critical in your creating a health body and lifestyle. How these things affect your hormone levels will also be an awareness that will only add to you progress.

One of the major hormone which is produced by your body and affects the operation of your body is your human growth hormone (HGH). Your anterior pituitary gland which is in the brain produces this naturally. HGH is a protein that stimulates the liver to produce somatomedins which works to stimulate muscle and bone growth. Human Growth Hormone promotes tissue repair, cell regeneration in the bones, muscles and vital organs, and supports the immune system in combating infection and disease. The problem is that the production of HGH starts to decrease within your body about the age of 20 and slow diminishes throughout the years. This is why some people gain weight faster, lose their energy levels and one reason why our skin start looking tired.

Decrease weight , increased muscle mass and lower body fat, improved skin quality and reduce wrinkles. Create stronger bones and faster recovery from illness and injuries ********************************************************************
As your cells die off HGH acts as the triggering mechanism to enable your body to produce and regenerate healthy cells. Since your body is now producing less and less HGH your bodies ability to produce healthy cells also decrease and hence attributes to the aging process sometimes prematurely. Of course the healthier you are and the amount of exercise you are participating in also plays a major role the hormonal levels

HGH is a very complex hormone that consist of 191 amino acids. Somatotropin which is the first true synthetic growth hormones, first produce by Eli Lily Company back in 1986. It is still available today by prescription only and can cost as much as $1000 to $1500 and is administered through injections. This can be very costly.

HGH supplements are a more economical solution and are available without a prescription. There are basically two categories of HGH supplements they can be either releasers and secretagogues. Releasers provide the building blocks of the 191 amino acid HGH, predominately L-group amino acids such as L-valine and L-arginine. These are components of HGH, they are not the true HGH, but are the building blocks that the body uses to create HGH within your body.

The other type of HGH supplements are secretagogues. Secretagogues contain minute amounts of HGH substance. Secretagogues are a form of homeopathic medicine. Absorbing small amounts of a synthetic hormone can cause the pituitary gland to secrete more of its own natural HGH into the bloodstream. Secretagogues can contain actual human growth hormone and still be available without a prescription, but only if they do so in very small amounts.
Sytropin is one of the only HGH supplements available today that combines both releaser amino acids, and true secretagogue HGH (within FDA regulations) into one supplement. It also contains specialized Growth Factors; hormones and nutrients scientifically shown to increase the levels of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) and HGH in the bloodstream. Try Sytropin it come with a complete 90 Day Money Back satisfaction guarantee.

To your health,
Douglas Alp

PS Keep the vision in your mind of how you see your health improving. Make this picture a shining beacon of great health and powerful well being and watch your body transform
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