Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Creating Brain Power

Research has proven that there are a number of things that will assist you to improve your brain power. Researcher have found that dark chocolate contains certain chemicals that enhance your mental clarity. A very powerful type of antioxidant called flavoniods are found in cocoa that help to reduce blood pressure and insulin levels in your body, both of which affect your mental performance.

One can also add supplements such as vitamin B, which has been proven to improve your memory and also helps to protect your brain in many ways, to you diet The supplement spirulina is very rich in antioxidant and nutrients beneficial for your brain. Along with your essential fatty acid which are excellent for brain functions.

And remember, although you might think this is silly, To breathe. It has be demonstated the there is a positve association between your lung function and your cognitive ability. Try incorporating into your day a practice of deep breathing exercises throughout your day. Relax your mind and breathe deeply. If you can close your eyes, relax and breathe in through your nose for a count of 4, hold for a count of 6 and then breath out, through your mouth for a count of 6 and feel the release of any stresss or tension in your mind and body. Do this 5 to 6 times, three times a day. This will release tension, increase your oxygen levels and clear out the cobwebs lingering in your brain and in turn increasing you brain power

Enjoy clearer thinking,
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