Friday, June 30, 2006

Do you Know What It Looks Like?

Good Day!

You know as you go along in life working to increase the life force within you one must know exactly what they desire. How do you desire to feel? If you haven't yet defined your desired
outcome of your health and life you are traveling down a road with no clear direction and therefore you may not know what you will get or when you get there you may not know you have arrived.

Pictures yourself, your health, your physical and mental body as you desire it to be. Create a dream board of photos that represent your desired body and vibrant health. Write out the way you desire to feel everyday of your life so that your entire consciousness has a real image of what you are working towards. This way you can use both your conscious and sub-conscious mind to create the health and life you desire. And of course apply passion to your desire and watch the magic appear and blossom.

Be Passionate about your Health!

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Monday, June 26, 2006

Being Your Greatness

Along with the great health we are all working on together the continual learning to expand our powers and our greatness is one thing that I truly believe is inside each and everyone of us

I know that you, along with most people, truly believe that there is Greatness inside each and everyone of us. Because we have been programmed wrong from the time we were children, we get discouraged and disillusioned and think that this greatness is not a possibility, and that it will never happen to me

Through my leanings I truly believe that we can and do create our lives. So the questions is what life do you want to create for you and your loved ones. What if you can learn the tools to completely transform your life into what you truly imagine it to be. What if you learned the recipe, the practical steps to create your life just as you envisioned it. What if you could learn it and share it with others so that we all can live this great life we were born to live.

We know this greatness exist when we are born. We know that we were destine for a great life
Ask a child what they want to be when they grow up and see the response, the knowing, the excitement. They inherently know they are destine for greatness. But our schooling, the media and other outside forces slowly take this away from all of us. Well I say......Take it back and take it back right NOW!

You were destine for greatness. Learn how to create and bring out your greatness If you are REALLY serious about taking your life to the next level relationally, emotionally, financially and spiritually, this for you!

PLease learn to be your Greatness!


PS Don't forget to sign up for my Free Newsletter
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Friday, June 23, 2006

What Else Can You Do to Get Healthy!

So now that you are beginning to take a proactive approach to your healthyou must keep on adding to your knowledge of how the body is functioning and working to build on your current positive results. You are going through an educational process and of course many things that you are learning will be a repeat of what you already know and/or may not be using. Other things will be new that you will need to include in your new healthy lifestyle to learning how your body works and how to optimize it performance.

Different types of foods, exercise and mental attitude play a role in your energy, your mental focus and your overall well being and is critical in your creating a health body and lifestyle. How these things affect your hormone levels will also be an awareness that will only add to you progress.

One of the major hormone which is produced by your body and affects the operation of your body is your human growth hormone (HGH). Your anterior pituitary gland which is in the brain produces this naturally. HGH is a protein that stimulates the liver to produce somatomedins which works to stimulate muscle and bone growth. Human Growth Hormone promotes tissue repair, cell regeneration in the bones, muscles and vital organs, and supports the immune system in combating infection and disease. The problem is that the production of HGH starts to decrease within your body about the age of 20 and slow diminishes throughout the years. This is why some people gain weight faster, lose their energy levels and one reason why our skin start looking tired.

Decrease weight , increased muscle mass and lower body fat, improved skin quality and reduce wrinkles. Create stronger bones and faster recovery from illness and injuries ********************************************************************
As your cells die off HGH acts as the triggering mechanism to enable your body to produce and regenerate healthy cells. Since your body is now producing less and less HGH your bodies ability to produce healthy cells also decrease and hence attributes to the aging process sometimes prematurely. Of course the healthier you are and the amount of exercise you are participating in also plays a major role the hormonal levels

HGH is a very complex hormone that consist of 191 amino acids. Somatotropin which is the first true synthetic growth hormones, first produce by Eli Lily Company back in 1986. It is still available today by prescription only and can cost as much as $1000 to $1500 and is administered through injections. This can be very costly.

HGH supplements are a more economical solution and are available without a prescription. There are basically two categories of HGH supplements they can be either releasers and secretagogues. Releasers provide the building blocks of the 191 amino acid HGH, predominately L-group amino acids such as L-valine and L-arginine. These are components of HGH, they are not the true HGH, but are the building blocks that the body uses to create HGH within your body.

The other type of HGH supplements are secretagogues. Secretagogues contain minute amounts of HGH substance. Secretagogues are a form of homeopathic medicine. Absorbing small amounts of a synthetic hormone can cause the pituitary gland to secrete more of its own natural HGH into the bloodstream. Secretagogues can contain actual human growth hormone and still be available without a prescription, but only if they do so in very small amounts.
Sytropin is one of the only HGH supplements available today that combines both releaser amino acids, and true secretagogue HGH (within FDA regulations) into one supplement. It also contains specialized Growth Factors; hormones and nutrients scientifically shown to increase the levels of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) and HGH in the bloodstream. Try Sytropin it come with a complete 90 Day Money Back satisfaction guarantee.

To your health,
Douglas Alp

PS Keep the vision in your mind of how you see your health improving. Make this picture a shining beacon of great health and powerful well being and watch your body transform
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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Who is Committed to getting Healthy?

So who out there is really committed to getting healthy? I mean it! Really committed to getiing healthy? And what does it look like?

You know a few years ago I took a class on "Commitment" and the one thing that really stuck out on my mind was that people are always saying that they are committed to something when they are actually, deep down inside not committed to it. What I learned is that people have this undefined commitment. I'll give you an example. One may say I am commited to loosing a few pounds, right. But after a long day at work and feeling a bit tired they will come home, plop themselves on the couch and open a beer or have a bowl of ice cream and say well I deserve this treat, And although they do deserve something, what they are committed to is feeling good. There commitment is what their actions dictate. They are really committed to "Feeling Good" and that's fine but what one needs to do is to change their association to feeling good. Change your thought of "Feeling Good" to being in great shape and having the energy to working out every day or 3 times a week. Just change you association in your mind to "I deserve to feel good and exercising will make me feel good" . Just get there, get to the gym, work it out where whatever it takes, what ever you need to rearrange in your schedule you will do so that you get your exercise, you eat the correct meals and really look at what you are committed to.

In the mean committed to your health and remember your actions will show what you are really committed too.

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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Get Off Your Sleep Aids and Cure Your Sleep Disorder Naturally

With a large percentage of the public suffering from sleep disorders and
it’s no wonder why many people cannot concentrate, are forgetful and are generally not functioning at an optimal level on a daily basis. Many people suffering from these sleep disorders and rely on sleep aids to place a band-aid on the problem. The problem with that is that there could be many uncomfortable side effects and these substances can become addictive.

Our bodies definitely need sleep and although it may vary from person to person it is best to average from six to eight hours of sleep every day. Also the release of your natural growth hormone is released during your sleep time which enables your body to stay healthier and more youthful. You will notice in yourself that if you don’t sleep well for more than a few days there is a dazed look in your eyes, your skin will look a little tired and dull and your attention to detail definitely diminishes. Your body needs the proper sleep to keep you young, healthy and sustain life.

So what can you do, maybe naturally to assist your body to calm down, relax your brain and body so that you can enjoy a healthy relaxing peaceful sleep and enable your body to replenish itself with a good sleep night after night.

Food is a very important part contributing to your health and wellbeing. It also plays a major role in enabling the body to release the correct chemicals, naturally into the body to enable good solid sleep. For one, an amino acid called tryptophan, which is found in turkey, is the precursor to melatonin and serotonin, the natural sleep hormones. You see there is some truth that turkey makes you tired as illustrated when Uncle George falls asleep on the couch after Thanksgiving Day dinner.

There are also other foods that can be eaten in the early evening that can assist your body to release the correct chemicals and set up the proper conditions for sleep.

Firstly don’t eat after 7 pm. A large meal after this hour will take time to digest and may cause heartburn or indigestion which will affect your sleep patterns. It’s best to eat small portions or snacks two or more hours before bedtime. Try eating a small piece of cheese, a couple of slices of turkey, a few tablespoons of pure yogurt containing no sugar, or a handful of sunflower seeds, all of which contain or assist your body in producing tryptophan .

Dairy products also assist your the body to induce sleep. The old saying a glass of warm milk will put you to sleep does have significant. Milk and products containing calcium help the brain to manufacture tryptophan. Also the mineral magnesium which is a natural sedative can be found in wheat bran, brewers yeast, seaweed, almonds and cashews. Other things you can do are to always have a complex carbohydrate with a small piece of protein at dinner Also avoid snacks with sugar and stimulants like coffee and soft drink after 2 pm.

So when you are sitting there on the couch trying to relax from your long busy day don’t think about your sleep disorder or think about running to the medicine cabinet for another sleep aid but instead try having a cup a Chamomile tea and a handful of cashews, even try warming the cashews for 20 seconds in the microwave. It relaxing, soothing and will help your body sleep and stay more healthy and youthful.

Sleep Well and Be Healthy,
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Friday, June 16, 2006

Improving Your Health With Proper Nutrition and Detoxification

Many amazing things will start to happen to both your mind and your body when you decide to start putting a better quality of food and nutrition into your body. When the nutrition entering the body is of higher nutritional value than the quality contained within the body tissue, the body begins to discard of the lower grade materials and your body begins to rebuild its cells and tissues with the higher quality material now entering your body.

When you start putting better substances into your body, your body will naturally start it's own detoxification process. There is usually noticeable symptoms which indicate the detoxification process has started. Just as when one stops drinking coffee or other caffeinated drinks one may experience headaches.

This is just the bodies riding itself and discarding the toxic residue of substances from the tissues and transporting it through the blood stream. Detoxifying the body and the removal of toxins is an incredible and desirable process that assist the body in rejuvenating itself.

Because we live in a toxic environment detoxification is a desired requirement for a healthy body. Detoxification comes in many forms and there are many different programs that help cleanse the body of toxins. Basic detoxification will begin with your diet and as you change your diet to a healthier diet you will notice your body starting to detoxify itself, illustrating how your body does this naturally and how your body knows what to do to repair itself to be in an healthier state of being.

Your body primarily relies on your organs to detoxify your body. Organs such as the bowel, kidneys, liver and lungs are the primary detoxification organs. The liver acts as a filter for the removal of foreign substances and wastes from the blood. The kidneys filter wastes from the blood into the urine, while the lungs removevolatile gases as we breathe.

Depending on how many toxins you may have in your body will determine how long the detoxification symptoms last. Symptoms such as headaches, diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, constipation and lack of energy can last up to three weeks before leveling off. This is just the natural process and takes a lot of energy for thebody to accomplish this cleansing.

Once your body is actually rid ofthe toxins your energy will increase to a stable and higher energy level.

By combining a detoxification programs with a total health program, you can restore your health to an optimal level and look younger in the process. When your body is assisted to eliminate toxins, then your health is restored and your energy and vigor arerevitalized.

Many different approaches to detoxification and wellness will work, even though they can approach the problem at different levels. Any program that augments detoxification will improve health.

To your health,

Douglas Alp
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