Monday, July 31, 2006

Essential Fatty Acids and Your Health

EFA Summary: The essential fatty acids are composed of the good fats in our diet. They are essential to your health and provide many benefits that many people are unaware of. Learn how you can benefit from some slight changes in your diet and the consumption of your EFA

There are many people who really do not know the benefits of fish oils and the essential fatty acids in one diet. As the definition goes the word essential meaning they are critical
and necessary for good health. The essential fatty acids (EFA) are the good fats in your diet and provide benefits for the heart, brain and the entire body.

The essential fatty acid consists of omega 3 and omega 6. Omega 3 is primarily found in cold water fish. Fish such as salmon, sardines, herring, tuna and mackerel are very good sources the pre-formed omega 3’s. Fish is a great source of the omega 3. Eating fish is also beneficial because fish is a great source of protein, minerals and antioxidants.

Plant also contain omega 3. Plants such as flax seed, canola, soybean and walnuts all are a good source for omega 3. Your body needs to convert these omega 3 fats into the usable form but they do provide a great source to add to the essential fatty acid derived from fish.

Some benefits that have that have been scientifically proven by the increase of omega 3 in your diet are as follows: improved cardiovascular function, superior circulatory function, relief from arthritis and other inflammation problems, reduction in joint aches and pains, improved memory and brain function, helps induce healthy insulin levels, increases the HDL (good cholesterol) levels in your body acting to unclog your arteries, increased energy and improved mood.

In a study from Harvard University in testing a group of 30 people with manic depression or bi-polar disorder showed an increase in mood by 65% using fish oil as apposed to a 19% increase in mood testing with olive oil.

There are 3 types of omega 3’s. The forms are categorized as EPA, (eicosapentaenoic acid), and DHA (docosahexanoic acid) can primarily be found in cold water fish. The third form of omega 3 is ALA(alpha-linolenic acid). ALA is primarily found in green leafy vegetables, flax see and flax seed oil and certain vegetable oils. ALA is converted to EPA by the body. All three of this omega 3 forms are important to your body function and your health.

The other essential fatty acid that the body need is the omega 6 which can be derived from plant based oils, poultry and eggs. The issue surrounding omega 6 is that we get more than enough omega 6 in our diets. Since omega 3 and omega 6 compete for the same space in our cells including our brain, our nerve endings and for the same enzymes it is important to have them in the correct balance. The ratio of 4 to1 and even 2 to 1 of omega 6 to omega 3 is optimal. Since most people are getting 10 to 20 times more omega 6 than omega 3 it is recommend for improved health to consume more omega 3. The increase of green leafy vegetables, flax seed or flax seed oil and the addition of cold water fish will help to increase your omega 3 consumption and help you get the correct balance of your essential fatty acids (EFA) into your diet.
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Friday, July 28, 2006

Get Off Your Sleep Aids and Cure Your Sleep Disorder Naturally

With a large percentage of the public suffering from sleep disorders and it’s no wonder why many people cannot concentrate, are forgetful and are generally not functioning at an optimal level on a daily basis. Many people suffering from these sleep disorders and rely on sleep aids to place a band-aid on the problem. The problem with that is that there could be many uncomfortable side effects and these substances can become addictive.

Our bodies definitely need sleep and although it may vary from person to person it is best to average from six to eight hours of sleep every day. Also the release of your natural growth hormone is released during your sleep time which enables your body to stay healthier and more youthful. You will notice in yourself that if you don’t sleep well for more than a few days there is a dazed look in your eyes, your skin will look a little tired and dull and your attention to detail definitely diminishes. Your body needs the proper sleep to keep you young, healthy and sustain life.

So what can you do, maybe naturally to assist your body to calm down, relax your brain and body so that you can enjoy a healthy relaxing peaceful sleep and enable your body to replenish itself with a good sleep night after night.

Food is a very important part contributing to your health and wellbeing. It also plays a major role in enabling the body to release the correct chemicals, naturally into the body to enable good solid sleep. For one, an amino acid called tryptophan, which is found in turkey, is the precursor to melatonin and serotonin, the natural sleep hormones. You see there is some truth that turkey makes you tired as illustrated when Uncle George falls asleep on the couch after Thanksgiving Day dinner.

There are also other foods that can be eaten in the early evening that can assist your body to release the correct chemicals and set up the proper conditions for sleep.

Firstly don’t eat after 7 pm. A large meal after this hour will take time to digest and may cause heartburn or indigestion which will affect your sleep patterns. It’s best to eat small portions or snacks two or more hours before bedtime. Try eating a small piece of cheese, a couple of slices of turkey, a few tablespoons of pure yogurt containing no sugar, or a handful of sunflower seeds, all of which contain or assist your body in producing tryptophan .

Dairy products also assist your the body to induce sleep. The old saying a glass of warm milk will put you to sleep does have significant. Milk and products containing calcium help the brain to manufacture tryptophan. Also the mineral magnesium which is a natural sedative can be found in wheat bran, brewers yeast, seaweed, almonds and cashews. Other things you can do are to always have a complex carbohydrate with a small piece of protein at dinner Also avoid snacks with sugar and stimulants like coffee and soft drink after 2 pm.

So when you are sitting there on the couch trying to relax from your long busy day don’t think about your sleep disorder or think about running to the medicine cabinet for another sleep aid but instead try having a cup a Chamomile tea and a handful of cashews, even try warming the cashews for 20 seconds in the microwave. It relaxing, soothing and will help your body sleep and stay more healthy and youthful.
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How You Can Use Your Diet as a Major Component for Your Natural Skin Care Program

With so much emphasis today on staying healthy and looking good we see many remedies for skin care and a healthy look, that it is sometime very confusing. Although there are many great products being marketed today there are also many things that one can do to assist your body in creating and producing beautiful skin from the inside out. The following foods incorporated into your diet will make your natural skin care program work in synergy with your body to produce beautiful skin.

People spend a lot of money every year to look good. To have beautiful smooth wrinkle free skin but neglect to give the attention to the foods that they consume that will add to their beautiful skin. It is not enough to just exfoliate, and use the lotions and potions to have beautiful skin. Beautiful skin comes from the generation of healthy vibrant cells being produced from within your body.

One of the most important substances you can put into your body to aid in producing excellent skin is water. Water flushes toxins out of your body, it help you loss weight and is a major source of hydration. If you are only putting a moisturizer on top of your skin this is not enough. How about adding moisture to your skin from the inside by drinking plenty of clean purified water.
Your diet and the foods you consume not only affect your skin but your overall health. If you choose to put garbage in your body you will get garbage out. So for starter I’ll tell you what to avoid. Avoid greasy fatty foods and processed food. Being today to put wholesome fresh foods into your body and let that nutrition rebuild and keep your skin and entire body vibrant and healthy.

For starters you should be consuming foods that contain vitamin C. Vitamin C promotes healing, help rebuild collagen, and produces skin with elasticity and firmness. Food such as citrus fruits, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli and cabbage are high in vitamin C and can help in reducing wrinkles and fine lines.

Green tea is also an excellent anti-oxidant which improves your immune system and is an excellent substitute for coffee.

Soy proteins which have a high amount of amino acids, flavonoids and vitamin E help the skin retain moisture and give the skin a smooth appearance.

The essential fatty acids which are your omega 3’s and 6’s are the good fats that the entire body needs. These good fats will help your skin, hair, nails, muscles and all your cellular functions. It will help to clear up blemishes and reduce wrinkles. Food like olives, olive oil, almonds and avocados are excellent sources of your good fats. Also fresh fish like salmon will provide a good source of your omega 3’s and 6’s.

And let’s not forget our greens. Vegetables such as spinach, collard greens, and kale are high in vitamins A, C and E. They also contain good amounts of iron and fiber. These foods help to reduce wrinkles and give your skin a healthy look.

Another great food to help your skin and your immune system is yogurt. Yogurt contains friendly bacteria which help improve your digestion which in turn improves your immune system. An improved immune system will definitely support your largest organ, your skin.
One other food that will assist your body and your immune system to produce healthy skin is garlic. Garlic is high in anti-oxidants and has been used for centuries for medicinal purposes. It will assist your body and immune system to stay healthy and fight off infections and disease.

And now the best part. For all you people who desire great healthy looking skin this will probably be your favorite part. Cocoa powder which is found in chocolate is very high in polyphenol anti-oxidants. It has twice the anti-oxidant properties of red wine and three times the anti-oxidant properties of green tea. Dark chocolate typically has the highest percentage of cocoa. I have seen some dark chocolates as high as 83% cocoa. Now remember everything in moderation. Don’t go and eat a box of chocolate every day. Just a small piece every few days and only eat the finer dark chocolates with the highest amounts of cocoa.

Also let's not forget to get a good night sleep. A good night sleep can do wonders for your skin. If you are having trouble getting to sleep read my blog posting on Getting a Good Night Sleep Naturally

You see there are many excellent nutritious foods you can consume that will add to your natural skin care program and will also help with your overall health and well being. So eat well, look good and keep your skin healthy from the inside out.
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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Brain Food Recipe

In the past it was believed that your intelligence was something that was inherited or that was a genetic thing that had to do with your parents but that may not be a total truth. It is now believed that your intelligence can be determined by your environment, life experiences and your diet. So is there a brain food recipe that one can start eating to make them more intelligent?

Well I don’t know if there is a exact recipe but from my research on foods and supplements it continually amazes me how foods and supplements can actually stimulate chemical reactions or add natural chemicals into your body and affect you in amazing ways.

So can food actually have a positive or negative effect on your brain function and brain power?
Well the answer is Yes! Egyptians have long thought that fish was brain food. Well actually fish is high in omega 3 fatty acids. The neurons in your brain are rich in omega 3 fatty acids so adding fish or omega 3 into your diet does indeed give your brain a boost in its function. It has been found that fish will help create a healthy emotional environment and a more balanced and positive mood.

Proteins are also a very good substance for the brain. Proteins such as chicken and beef contain tyrosine, an amino acid. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and cells and may also help the neurotransmitter within your brain to send and receive signal and information. They can also assist one in handling stress and help the body maintain a balanced blood sugar level.
Food such as avocados, raisins, apples and nuts contain a substance called boron which has the potential to increase your memory and attention.

Choline which has also been proven to improve brain function can be found in such foods as eggs and milk. Fruits and vegetables are also extremely important in protecting your brain. Fruits and vegetables have a high degree of anti-oxidants which protect your cells and brain from free radicals which cause your cells to be damaged and age faster. Blueberry and blackberry are especially good for your brain since they contain Anthocyanins which is the most powerful form of anti-oxidant.

Other fruits and vegetable that have been found to have a high amount of anti-oxidants are strawberries, cranberries spinach, raspberries, brussel sprouts, plums, broccoli, oranges, red grapes, red bell pepper, cherries and kiwis.

Probably the number one ingredient for proper brain function is water. Since your brain is 80% water it is imperative that one keeps themselves and their brain hydrated. Even a slightly dehydrated brain can raise the stress hormone in a person causing them to not have clarity of thought. Just observe people living in the desert in to summertime and see the stressful actions of people and one can see how dehydrated people are stressed.

There are also foods to avoid and foods that can actually slow down the brain function. Food which are high in sugar and simple carbohydrates which can give you an instantaneous surge of energy but then leave you in an daze.

It is also recommend not to consume food high is saturated fats. Sure your body needs fats, but it needs the good fats found in avocados, nuts and fish.

Also avoid eating heavy meals. It has been proven that reducing your calories will extend your life and the quality of you life. It is also a benefit for your brain function. The digestion process takes a lot of energy which in turn take the energy away from your brain functions.

So as you can see there is a brain food recipe. By eating the correct foods you can actually protect your brain and keep it healthy. You can also provide the added substances the brain needs to improve your memory, mood and the speed in which your brain functions.
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Monday, July 17, 2006

I'm Back!

Hey there,
Well I'm back to feeling 100% again. That sinus thing actually passed pretty quickly. I think my quick heealing had alot to do with the sleep I was getting during that period. Pretty sound sleep. (By the way read my article on foods that helps you sleep in the article section). Anyway I was also using an homopathic HGH product , that also assist in a better night sleep. Good sleep along with getting back to the gym (3 days off) got me feeling really good. I was also on a trip to Vegas for some training so I did not update you on my blog but I am feeling great again. Slight detox,couple of off days... but my health, which is so important, is back. I hope you are working to do all you can do to raise the bar on the level of success you choose to have when it comes to health.

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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

So what's Going On!

Hey all,

Just having an experience this week where I am not really feeling 100% as usual. I'm feeling about 85%. I have been really supplying my body with a good amount of fruit shakes and addional green and berry supplements. I know they are really good for me but I believe my body is detoxing. As we consume better quality foods the body goes throught and purges the older tissues and other stuck matter within our bodies to create room to grow better tissues, muscles and stronger cells. Sometimes the detoxification process can generate ill effects do to all the toxins that are being released. I know is sucks and feels uncomfortable, like right now I feel like I have a sinus infection or something going on in my sinus area and the head hurts alittle. I definately know that this will pass and that my body will feel and look much better next week or in just a few days. It's worth the cost when I know how my body will be better off in the long run. Let me know what you think.

To your health

PS I'll let you know how things are going in the next few days
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