So what does manifestion have to do with your health?
If you are familiar the Dr. Bruce Lipton's book The Biology of Belief he has proven that the whole genome project was wrong, one reason why you mysteriously don't hear about it any more, and that the whole genome theory is not what they thought it was. But instead he talks about how we are energy and our thoughts are energy and how that actually works to create the lives we it healthy or ill.
Masaru Emoto in Miraculous Messages from Water talks about how there is actually a consciousness in the words we use and how these words can create different molecular structure in water. Mr. Emoto's work has provided with factual evidence, that human vibrational energy, thoughts, words, ideas and music, affect the molecular structure of water, and since our bodies are approximately 70% water one would have to wonder what those water molecules in our body actually look like if we are hanging onto hate,fear or any other negative energies.
This picture about is an image of a water molecule from water that was placed in a bottle with the words "Thank-you".
This following picture is the same water taken from a bottle with the words "You make me sick, I will kill you"
This evidence does make one realize the energies that one holds onto actually create or manifest dis-ease with our bodies and can make us sick and unhealthy.
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