Friday, June 20, 2008

World Peace Movement --- The Gathering of One!

Again I AM vibrating at a very high state and I wanted to see if I can ask
you to do the same. Do you think you can do me a favor in the cause of
World Peace!

Well I am not sure if you read last weeks post but I am beginning to realize
one of my purposes here on this planet is to bring people together for the
purpose of World Peace. And I am attracting World Peace Movements from every

"Would You Imagine World Peace Right NOW!

How does that feel ?"

Let me ask you a question ...

Can you live in that place, in your heart and mind. A World Of Peace! Well
if you could then Peace will be realized very soon! Please be involved!

The Gathering of One will be heald tomorrow Saturday
June 21st 8:22 YelloeStone Time in the US or on Sunday June 22 2:22
Greenwich Mean Time. It is a World Wide Event being held throughout
the World. The intention is to bring people together to align a more
harmonious world . You can find out more about being a part of the Golden Age of Peace

After watching this video then go to the website they talk about and
find out how you can be involved in this Gathering of One for World Peace. Also go here to see if there is a gathering near you

I just found out about this too and I am trying to find a place here in Arizona where I can attend a gathering. I will post on my blog the experience.

I encourage you to to do the same

In Peace
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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Consciousness of Peace

Life goes in cycles sometimes up cycles and sometimes down cycles.
For myself, I am definitely feeling an up cycle. So where are you?
I hope on the up cycle. Either way just stay with where ever you are
and work through things and know that things will always change. Just
focus on what and how you want things to change in your life and feel the
JOY! of the moment and watch them unfold before your eyes.

Now this is a little long but there is some very valuable information
in this post so read it in it's entirety and you will get a lesson that
will transform your life.

"So What is Consciousness?" Well it was the topic of our
discussion group last Sunday morning arranged by my friend Linda.

What exactly is consciousness? And how does it work? Well let me
give you an example of my experience in the last week or two and
maybe this can help you with how we create our lives through

You know I'm always into learning and growth work -- so, typically
when I am in my car I am playing some kind of learning CD, personal
development , manifestation information or spiritual growth stuff.
But lately I have been just into rockin' out in my car. Playing
my favorite music and dancin' and jivin' in my car...I'm
sure other drivers are getting a good laugh. I do see them telling
their kids to look at that nut job singing in his car.

Anyway, I am coming to realize how much I Love music and that I have
not been playing it as much as I used to 'cause I want to learn so
much. What I realized is that there is time for learning and time
for living. When I am playing the music and singing I AM LIVING.
In total JOY! I feel good, my vibration raised exponentially.
I am in the flow. Things start to happen!

So back to consciousness.. Lately with all that's going on in the
world I am really focusing on PEACE ! Peace on the Planet, Peace in
my heart. I realize that if I want peace on this planet, and
if you only knew how much I do. (I get tears in my eyes and my
body shakes when I visualize World Peace)
It feels so good!

So peace has been in my consciousness (don't worry I'll get to the
point..really) I have also been working with this Desktop Media
Player company that enable people to have access to millions of
free songs, videos, radio stations played from their desktop
on their computer. Well, I get to set it up My Playlist
on this Media Player. Since PEACE has been in
my consciousness I decided to select all songs about
Peace and Love and songs to make me feel good. Okay so more Peace
in MY Consciousness. Now here's the kicker and the point..YEAH!
to what I am getting at, to what is consciousness and how do we
create our reality. Remember Peace is in my consciousness

This morning I opened up a package that I received in the mail a
couple of days ago and to my surprise or to my lesson on
consciousness -- there was a book enclosed. Now I did not order
this book specifically. I belong to a Leadership book club and
they send me books and CD's once a month...always on leadership.
Now could you imagine what this book is about? Well, if you
guessed PEACE --- you are right!

I am getting goose bumps right now! The title of the book enclosed
in the package is "The Anatomy of PEACE" -- Resolving the
Heart Conflict. Amazing? No, Consciousness.

You see I was feeling great, being happy and focusing on PEACE and
what showed up in my life was information on ways to create more
peace in my heart, my life and the World ...Our World!

This is what consciousness is and how to use it to create
your life

I hope that helps. Also, you can go get that downloadable Media
Player for your Desktop on my blog. There is no cost and I hope
the music on My Playlist makes you feel good and feel PEACE
Dial in to Songs of peace and prosperity

Remember "Your Consciousness Creates Your Life".

Also, remember to Visualize and feel PEACE within your
heart and see it show up in your life and your consciousness

Thank You so much for reading this Post
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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Get Your Free Media Player

Yes you can get a Free Media Player for your DeskTop, enabling you to access 500,000 songs, videos, radio stations and games. Enjoy setting up your favorite songs to inspire you, to remember all you have to be thankful for and just to make you smile. Go ahead, Play with it. Click on Music, Play some tunes, Click on My Playlist, Click On a Song and Hit the Play arrow. Search for Your Favorite Song and Play it! Play some videos and then ... Download it now!
Could you imagine getting viral with your business, product or opportunity by giving away this amazing desktop music player and letting them give it away to all their friends, family and business associates. This tool which you give away Free can spread all around the internet while at the same time inviting people to your website, enabling you to introduce new products, services or opportunities to all that have downloaded your Desktop Music Player Have Fun, Sing, Dance, Enjoy Life !
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Monday, June 09, 2008

Six Ways To Keep Your Online Customers

If you have a business and online presence you are always looking for ways to attract more leads and customer and to generate more sales. This article will discuss 6 ways to keep your online customers away from your competition and develop customer loyalty.

One of the primary things you can do with your existing customer is to stay in touch with them on a regular basis. Offer them a free e-zine or newsletter subscription. Ask them if they want to be updated whenever you make updates to your website and when you are running specials on products and services. Another idea is to follow up after each sale with a customer survey. This will enable you to monitor their satisfaction and improve your business to meet your customers needs. It will also let your customer know that your care about them and what they think about what they purchased from you.

The second thing you can do is to make your website easy for your customers to navigate. Have a FAQ section on your website to address anything that may be confusing to your customers. Also have them fill out a survey to find out how they think you can make you site more customer friendly. Doing this will typically cause them to remember your website and revisit again.

Thirdly is always make it easy for your customer to contact you. Remember that although it is an internet business or your online presence it is still a people business. People buy from people they know and trust. If they know they can contact you are anytime and you make it easy this will instill trust. Offer them an e-mail contact and a toll free number for phone and fax.

One of the most important things you can do is to you have impeccable customer service. In today’s world people are tired of being treated like a number. They want to be treated with respect and to know that they are appreciated. If you have employees make sure that they know and adhere to your customer service policies. Reward them for excellent customer service with bonuses and incentives. Allow your employees to be flexible with your customer and to be able to think outside the box. Your employees need to know that your customers are valuable and that they want to be treated fairly and that they all have a unique situation and need to have their situations address properly.

The fifth idea in building customer loyalty is to give them more than they expect. Send thank-you cards to your customers both online or through regular mail and give bonuses and discount to customers who make big purchases.

Lastly and this may be obvious but always be polite and kind to your customers. Always say thank-you, please and you’re welcome. Be polite to your customer even though they may have been irritating to you. If you have made a mistake apologies for any inconvenience it might have caused them and make it up in a big way by possible giving them a gift. You will be amazed what type of referrals and return business you will get by your intention to treat them right and let them know you appreciate their business.

So in closing if you are looking to increase sales, generate more leads and create greater customer loyalty let your customer know that you care about them and appreciate their business in whatever way you can.
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10 Great Ways to Jumps Start Your Business

There are a number a great ways to jump start the sales of your company or business opportunity. I have assembled the best 10 ways that I have come across that could assist you to jump start your sales or increase your lead generation

One of the quickest ways is the find a strategic business partner. What you want to do is to look for one who has the same business objective or that you can sell to the same client base. You can trade leads, share marketing information and sell package deals with each other and make the best out of the same customer and assist each other in developing customer loyalty.

The second way you can jump start your sales is the brand your name and your business. This can be easily done by writing a few articles and submitting them to the many e-zines article directories and websites for re-publication. You can also write a specialty articles and give it away for free to a highly regarded expert site and allow them to publish it as long as they reference you as the expect and your site.

The third idea to start creating more sales is to create an auction or some type or give away or contest. You can offer them a gift or one of your products for the best 300 word essay on a particular subject. This way you can generate interest for your product and at the same time attract traffic and build a client list.

The forth thing one should engage in is to spend time brainstorming. Spend 15 minutes a day coming up with new ways to market to better serve you customer and new ways to attract more customers. The continual new ideas makes a big difference between success and failure.

Idea number five would be to model your business after another successful business. You don't have to directly copy them but watch to see what they are doing and develop the same habits that have helped them become successful.

Don't be afraid to spend some money and take some risk. Sometimes businesses don't want to advertize unless it's free. If you spend the money wisely and learn to track your advertizing on what works and what doesn't you can use your paid advertising to generate allot of new business.

Always include emotional words in your advertising. If you pay attention to the advertizing you see on television, newspaper or anywhere you will notice that the most effective advertising is when they reach you at an emotionally level. Using words like love, security, freedom and happy are just a few that will help paint an emotional picture for your potential customer and inspire them to action.

Another great way to jump start your sales is to ask people to review your website or your product. Ask them to comment on how they think you could improve on the look of your website, or your offer and product. This way you engage them on what you have to offer and you may turn that reviewer into a client.

The more time you spend on generating leads and sales the more money you will make, therefore don't be afraid to outsource some of your workload. Things like secretarial work, accounting and marketing or things you just don't enjoy doing pay someone else to do and focus your efforts on creating new business or more value for your existing clients.

And number 10 idea for generating and jumpstarting your sales is combined products and services together in a package deal. This could easily increase your sales and provide more value to your customer. If you are selling them a book, offer them a free half hour of consulting. This will allow them to see the value that you offer and open the door to new business or a referral.

These are just some ways to start generating more leads and more sales in your business. Continue to get out there and try new ideas and if they work, duplicate them. Monitor where the leads are coming from and how many sales are being generated and you will have a successful working business model.

If you'd like to find a better way to attract more business and get more people to view your website go to
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