Life goes in cycles sometimes up cycles and sometimes down cycles.
For myself, I am definitely feeling an up cycle. So where are you?
I hope on the up cycle. Either way just stay with where ever you are
and work through things and know that things will always change. Just
focus on what and how you want things to change in your life and feel the
JOY! of the moment and watch them unfold before your eyes.
Now this is a little long but there is some very valuable information
in this post so read it in it's entirety and you will get a lesson that
will transform your life.
"So What is Consciousness?" Well it was the topic of our
discussion group last Sunday morning arranged by my friend Linda.
What exactly is consciousness? And how does it work? Well let me
give you an example of my experience in the last week or two and
maybe this can help you with how we create our lives through
You know I'm always into learning and growth work -- so, typically
when I am in my car I am playing some kind of learning CD, personal
development , manifestation information or spiritual growth stuff.
But lately I have been just into rockin' out in my car. Playing
my favorite music and dancin' and jivin' in my car...I'm
sure other drivers are getting a good laugh. I do see them telling
their kids to look at that nut job singing in his car.
Anyway, I am coming to realize how much I Love music and that I have
not been playing it as much as I used to 'cause I want to learn so
much. What I realized is that there is time for learning and time
for living. When I am playing the music and singing I AM LIVING.
In total JOY! I feel good, my vibration raised exponentially.
I am in the flow. Things start to happen!
So back to consciousness.. Lately with all that's going on in the
world I am really focusing on
PEACE ! Peace on the Planet, Peace in
my heart. I realize that if I want peace on this planet, and
if you only knew how much I do. (I get tears in my eyes and my
body shakes when I visualize World Peace)
It feels so good!
So peace has been in my consciousness (don't worry I'll get to the
point..really) I have also been working with this Desktop Media
Player company that enable people to have access to millions of
free songs, videos, radio stations played from their desktop
on their computer. Well, I get to set it up
My Playlist on this
Media Player. Since
PEACE has been in
my consciousness I decided to select all songs about
Peace and Love and songs to make me feel good. Okay so more Peace
in MY Consciousness. Now here's the kicker and the point..YEAH!
to what I am getting at, to what is consciousness and how do we
create our reality. Remember Peace is in my consciousness
This morning I opened up a package that I received in the mail a
couple of days ago and to my surprise or to my lesson on
consciousness -- there was a book enclosed. Now I did not order
this book specifically. I belong to a Leadership book club and
they send me books and CD's once a month...always on leadership.
Now could you imagine what this book is about? Well, if you
PEACE --- you are right!
I am getting goose bumps right now! The title of the book enclosed
in the package is "
The Anatomy of PEACE" -- Resolving the
Heart Conflict. Amazing? No,
You see I was feeling great, being happy and focusing on PEACE and
what showed up in my life was information on ways to create more
peace in my heart, my life and the World ...Our World!
This is what consciousness is and how to use it to create
your life
I hope that helps. Also, you can go get that downloadable Media
Player for your Desktop on my blog. There is no cost and I hope
the music on My Playlist makes you feel good and feel PEACE
Dial in to
Songs of peace and prosperityRemember "Your Consciousness Creates Your Life".
Also, remember to Visualize and feel PEACE within your
heart and see it show up in your life and your consciousness
Thank You so much for reading this Post