Monday, June 09, 2008

Six Ways To Keep Your Online Customers

If you have a business and online presence you are always looking for ways to attract more leads and customer and to generate more sales. This article will discuss 6 ways to keep your online customers away from your competition and develop customer loyalty.

One of the primary things you can do with your existing customer is to stay in touch with them on a regular basis. Offer them a free e-zine or newsletter subscription. Ask them if they want to be updated whenever you make updates to your website and when you are running specials on products and services. Another idea is to follow up after each sale with a customer survey. This will enable you to monitor their satisfaction and improve your business to meet your customers needs. It will also let your customer know that your care about them and what they think about what they purchased from you.

The second thing you can do is to make your website easy for your customers to navigate. Have a FAQ section on your website to address anything that may be confusing to your customers. Also have them fill out a survey to find out how they think you can make you site more customer friendly. Doing this will typically cause them to remember your website and revisit again.

Thirdly is always make it easy for your customer to contact you. Remember that although it is an internet business or your online presence it is still a people business. People buy from people they know and trust. If they know they can contact you are anytime and you make it easy this will instill trust. Offer them an e-mail contact and a toll free number for phone and fax.

One of the most important things you can do is to you have impeccable customer service. In today’s world people are tired of being treated like a number. They want to be treated with respect and to know that they are appreciated. If you have employees make sure that they know and adhere to your customer service policies. Reward them for excellent customer service with bonuses and incentives. Allow your employees to be flexible with your customer and to be able to think outside the box. Your employees need to know that your customers are valuable and that they want to be treated fairly and that they all have a unique situation and need to have their situations address properly.

The fifth idea in building customer loyalty is to give them more than they expect. Send thank-you cards to your customers both online or through regular mail and give bonuses and discount to customers who make big purchases.

Lastly and this may be obvious but always be polite and kind to your customers. Always say thank-you, please and you’re welcome. Be polite to your customer even though they may have been irritating to you. If you have made a mistake apologies for any inconvenience it might have caused them and make it up in a big way by possible giving them a gift. You will be amazed what type of referrals and return business you will get by your intention to treat them right and let them know you appreciate their business.

So in closing if you are looking to increase sales, generate more leads and create greater customer loyalty let your customer know that you care about them and appreciate their business in whatever way you can.
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