Sunday, November 26, 2006

Something to be Grateful for....

Wow! Just look at the beauty that is available to us. I wasn't even looking for this but the surpirse and joy I felt when I found it let me know that it is all out there, just waiting for me and you to go out an grab it.

I was going to write about my complete life today and ask a few question for those who'd want to reply on what it takes to create life that works on all levels..but for now I think I'll just share this photos with you. I hope it brings you to a place of joy and gratitude, peace and tranquility. Let me know what you think by posting a comment.
I'll be back shortly and post my original thoughts for today...For now enjoy the Sunset....Namaste'
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Beautiful…beautiful. If you look at the center, it looks like the Yin/Yan symbol disappearing into dust and angels flying and ready to bless the sleeping bodies. Thanks for sharing this beautiful picture. This world is full of many blessings and many wonderful things to be grateful for.

November 29, 2006 10:54 AM  
Blogger Douglas Paul Alp said...

Hey Yoyo,

That's really good. You have great insight to look beyond the image and see the real message. I'm sure that awareness helps you to see more in life and every situation.


December 01, 2006 6:39 AM  
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October 30, 2015 10:54 PM  

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