Monday, November 27, 2006

The Power of Intention and Inspiration

As I continue to explore the Law of Attraction to increase the prosperity in all areas of my life. I was reading Joe Vitale's blog this morning and on The Problem with Intention and his view is that we should be working with inspiration instead of intention. I do agree with this in the sense that inspiration comes from a place that just feels good. When you are inspired to do something it's as if your higher self, your entire consciousness is in alignment and pulls you into the situation, instead of you pushing the situation. I kinda like that aspect and go get Joe's book "The Attractor Factor" which was on my list of things to do.

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Sunday, November 26, 2006

Something to be Grateful for....

Wow! Just look at the beauty that is available to us. I wasn't even looking for this but the surpirse and joy I felt when I found it let me know that it is all out there, just waiting for me and you to go out an grab it.

I was going to write about my complete life today and ask a few question for those who'd want to reply on what it takes to create life that works on all levels..but for now I think I'll just share this photos with you. I hope it brings you to a place of joy and gratitude, peace and tranquility. Let me know what you think by posting a comment.
I'll be back shortly and post my original thoughts for today...For now enjoy the Sunset....Namaste'
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Thursday, November 23, 2006

Free Gratitude Meditation

Today is Thanksgiving here is the US, we take time out to give thanks for all the blessings we have. We celebrate, we eat and enjoy family and friends. The question I have is why are we only doing it once a year. Yes sure we have other holidays but why are we only giving thanks one day out of the entire year. It should be the norm to be in gratitude. We can always find something in our lives, every day of the year, to give thanks for.

As my colleage Matt stated when we are in gratitude we cannot feel stress, frustration or any other negative feeling. It is also the place were we get into the present and feel what we are grateful for in this moment. When we get into the present moment and we create a feeling of happiness, love or gratitude we are creating a positive energy. When we set our goals and intentions for what we want to manifest in our lives and become happy in the moment we are actually creating the energies that attract what we want into our lives.

As a gift for Thanksgiving, Matt has allowed me give away this Free Gratitude Meditaion. You can download this Gratitude Mediation by doing a right click on Gratitude
and Save Target As. This will save the file to your hard drive.

You can also find out more about Matt's Secrets Of Meditation programs by visiting Matt's site.

And more Meditation programs and information at
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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

So what does manifestion have to do with your health?

Well if one takes a close look at their health and disease one can see that many diseases are created from within the body. More and more scientist are proving how our negative thoughts heald within our bodies actually manifest into cancers and other debilatating diseases. If one is to hold anger or resentment within their body, and everybody holds energies in differnet places, it does not allow the body to flow and it does not allow the immune system to work in an efficent manor to cure and maintain itself in the way it was designed.

If you are familiar the Dr. Bruce Lipton's book The Biology of Belief he has proven that the whole genome project was wrong, one reason why you mysteriously don't hear about it any more, and that the whole genome theory is not what they thought it was. But instead he talks about how we are energy and our thoughts are energy and how that actually works to create the lives we it healthy or ill.

Masaru Emoto in Miraculous Messages from Water talks about how there is actually a consciousness in the words we use and how these words can create different molecular structure in water. Mr. Emoto's work has provided with factual evidence, that human vibrational energy, thoughts, words, ideas and music, affect the molecular structure of water, and since our bodies are approximately 70% water one would have to wonder what those water molecules in our body actually look like if we are hanging onto hate,fear or any other negative energies.

This picture about is an image of a water molecule from water that was placed in a bottle with the words "Thank-you".

This following picture is the same water taken from a bottle with the words "You make me sick, I will kill you"

This evidence does make one realize the energies that one holds onto actually create or manifest dis-ease with our bodies and can make us sick and unhealthy.

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Monday, November 20, 2006

Mark Joyner's View on Manifestation

Well Mark Joyner had an interesting cartoon on his site a few months back. The idea stems around the fact that we manifest every thing in our lives and that we can change our thoughts and change our reality. Fortunately and realistically it is not instantaneous. It is the on going thought that creates a consistance or overall vibration that create and attracts your circumstances into your reality. You begin to create a Quantum Resonance Frequency due to the Law of Resonance that Dr Dov' Baron speaks about. This resonance or vibration is the energy that attracts. Although it is not instantaneous, over time this resonance carries information and energies which attract things, people and so on into our life..For real.
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Saturday, November 18, 2006

More on Manifestation and Your Health

You know the more I think about it the more I realize that what we desire in life is probably not our because we are not clearly defining it. If we don't know what we want how the heck are we going to have. Like that song, I think it was Joe Jackson...from the 80's ..."You can't Get What You Want" till You know What You Want" . And I think that's part of the issue here. Most of us can tell what we don't "I don't want to be fat" or I don't want to have this pain in my back. Therefore we are focusing on those issues instead of focusing on what we really want.

The process of manifestation states the opposite. It talks about how we would feel if we were thin, if we had no pain. It then teaches us to focus on the feelings we would have within our bodies, the emotional feeling, and to hold onto that feeling. That feeling creates the vibration which will attract the certain things and circumstances into our lives to create what we want.

We also have to allow this into our lives. We need to feel deserving of having what we want and you know we are all deserving. Believe it or not when we start loving ourselves and believing that we deserve to have everything we want then we will get it.

Think of your life as the great creation or manifestation that you can have a say in. Let's say you love yourself as much as you love your child or your pet, Unconditional Love! What would do for your child or your dog or cat....most people would do and give all they had to show their love to them. Well all I am saying is Love Yourself the same way.

Just start thinking about this. You know only you can change and create it as you want it. Nobody else can do that for you except you. So start thinking about what you want and now much you really deserve to have it all.

I have to go for now and be in gratitude ...I will be back with some other infomation on some tings I have learned on the Law of Gratitude and other amazing simple things you can do to realize how much you deserve to have it all.

Blessings and Good Health!
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Friday, November 17, 2006

"The Secret" and Manifesting your Life

I don't know how many of you had a chance to see the Larry King Live Show last night, Novemeber 16, 2006, but it was a very good show. People like James Ray and Joe Vitale discussed how we as humans do have great capabilities to actually attract abundance and more of what we want into our lives than we might think.

On "Beyond Postive Thinking" they talked about how our thoughts, feeling or vibration, then followed by action can help us to manifest into our lives what we truely desire in a faster and more ideal way. Now how great is that. I'd say I'd like to try that.

Well I know as well as all of you that although the Law of Attraction has been around for ever not many of us really know how to use it to actually create what we want. I have been studying it for months and have seen progress in many areas of my life and I do think that as I learn more and more about it that these concepts can only help me to be happier, healthier and more abundant and successful in my life.

What do you think?
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